Sunday, February 16, 2020

Compare and contrast the immigration history of two ethnic groups Research Paper

Compare and contrast the immigration history of two ethnic groups. What factors motivated immigration and what challenges greete - Research Paper Example In this essay we are going to compare and contrast the immigration history of two Asian communities to America, which are Chinese and Japanese. These immigrations took place when America was described as ‘New World’ and ‘Land of opportunities’. However it was definitely an uphill task for these two communities to find home in America. Fighting the disparities these communities have settled themselves well in America only to be a significant section of the community and American society. Reasons for immigration Because of opium wars and end anarchical rule of Qing dynasty China lost its identity as an independent nation and was reduced to a semi-feudal colony of European powers. This drove the masses in rural and central China to look for new opportunities in order to earn money and a stable life. Chinese were not averse to hard labor but wanted good results for the hard work put in. During this time the California Gold Rush on the west coast of America had b egun. The mining of precious metal required labor which was proving to be expensive with the available white labor. Hence initially America welcomed the influx of Chinese labor on the west coast. In fact it is noted that American supervisors and companies were initially skeptical of these thin immigrants who physically did not look strong and sturdy at all. However over a period of time Chinese labor proved that they were strong and capable of handling the strenuous physical work. Companies who initially opposed the idea of recruiting Chinese immigrants later asked for more immigrants to join the work force, thus bringing in more population from China. The railroad construction which followed the mining business again proved to be a major work opportunity to Chinese people to come to America. Other businesses such as agriculture, laundry, fisheries also benefitted from the influx of Chinese people to America. Japanese economy’s transition to modern economy was not smooth. Jap anese were struggling to keep their heads above the water and float. Large scale unemployment, bankruptcies and civil disorders forced Japanese population to leave their roots behind and look for opportunities elsewhere. Hawaiian sugar industry which was booming attracted Japanese to the state. Like Chinese immigrants, Japanese were also looked upon with skepticism by Americans (Harold et al 65). Hence Chinese settled on the west coast Japanese started with the Hawaii islands. Looking at the reasons of both ethnic groups there are a lot similarities observed. Both groups left country of origin because of political and social unrest and moved for better opportunities in terms of money, societal conditions and better future. Angel Island The gateway to America for Asians was Angel Island located in San Francisco bay. Angel Island was used to deport and detain people coming from China, Japan, India, Thailand, Philippines and all other countries from Asia and South East Asia. Ellis Isla nd which was used as an immigration office for European population was faster in process (Werner 27). There were not many questions asked to the immigrants at Ellis Island and the maximum waiting period was hours to a day. While on Angel Island the conditions were exactly opposite. The detaining period could range from two days to two years. The conditions were deplorable and people staying at Angel Island were reduced to despair and depression. Chinese immigrants

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Organizational Behavior - How a successful Iranian based company like Research Paper - 1

Organizational Behavior - How a successful Iranian based company like Hirbodan is surviving in tough times of sanctions against Iran - Research Paper Example Hibordan organizational structure contributed to its success (Sigh 12). They have a well-structured organization pattern where the Board of directors seats a top, the mid level management, and then lower management. This kind of structure facilitates decision-making and coordination of members in an organization. They use a technique in management called theory Y in motivation of its employees. Under these theory employees show commitment to goals and accept responsibility. Theory Y has enable Hirbodan to have a goal-oriented workforce (Champoux 16). Iranian economy has suffered a lot from the sanctions imposed by the international community. Sanction imposed on the government of president Ahmedinejhad, include ban on Iranian oil, which is the backbone of Iranian economy. This has affected several industries Hirbodan included. To worsen the situation President Amedinajhad’s plan on reforms on subsidy of 2010 removed subsidies on electricity and water affected industries. Iranian currency depreciated much making the cost of living rise and inflation skyrocketed (Sigh 18). The cost of running of a company turned high due to high cost of importing raw materials. The effects on Iran are adverse that companies are hoping for the best to have an enabling environment for investment. Hirbodan Rose against all odds and wage the storm, due to its strong foundation and the expertise offered by the founding professional. It coordinated with companies in Engineering, procurement& construction (EPC) to have its operations outside Iran (Sapru 36). According to the chairperson of Hirbodan, their success during hard times was through definitive strategies and logical solutions to firm’s problems, which include; reduction of financial debt in both local and foreign banks. It focused on means of increasing revenue to trade on real estate. They created teams to deal with opportunities and threats then sort problems